Try a Brief Encounter

Use our On-Line Gallery of selected partners freely. Then only if you wish – let William Knight-Hamilton - as an experienced headhunter – screen your on-line partner just before you actually meet them – just to be sure! You may have a lot to lose otherwise!

The romance is up to you!


Brief Encounters

You choose to meet someone from our Gallery of confidential group or individual photographs  - often taken at our events - 

 - for a Brief Encounter – Anywhere at Anytime - Maybe after work or at the weekend?

Each of you will not be given the name etc. of each other. .

Only when both sides agree to meet will we inform you both of your partner's details  - and then only with your permission

So our Brief Encounters are confidential.


There are two Options -

Option 1  - Just the Two  of you ?

Perhaps in a café in your home town – or maybe a local hotel bar etc.?

or a railway station ?


Option 2 – In a Crowd ?

A busy venue after work?

Alternatively – Knight Hamilton also organise ‘Brief Encounters’ - at After Work Drinks events in smart city wine bars – from 5pm weekdays.

Meet other like minded city executives before your train home.

Our venues are chosen at very convenient locations to tubes and other transport hubs.

To find out more about our ‘Brief Encounters’

Either - ‘Just the two of you’ or ‘In a Crowd’ at our after work drinks events

Please call us on 0207 649 9794 or 07973 112 586 or email us at

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